Bat Licence Training

After providing a variety of bat training for over 20 years GreenaEco is now introducing a range of formal bat licence  training modules for class 1, class 2, class 3 & class 4 licenses, bat mitigation and tailor made training for specific techniques. The courses will be of high quality, with intensive content run by highly experienced bat ecologists from our base in Somerset between Frome and Bruton, in an area where at least 16 bat species have been recorded within a few miles radius. As well as the minimum content for the licenses there will be additional content we consider essential for an understanding and working with bats e.g. use of bat detectors and sound analysis, static recording/ logging systems, in depth coverage of bats use of trees and bridges.

The four module content for class 2 is considered essential both to cover sufficient variety of content and give students enough tuition and experience to ensure they are sufficiently competent and will be able to retain information they have learned long term, maintaining a high standard is our priority.

The Courses are non-residential, catering will be provided during the training sessions. Special diets can be accommodated. Indoor sessions will be taken in a local training room facility.

 Course Leader is Geoff Billington MCIEEM

Part assisted by Jacqueline Billington who is a Bat Licence trainer holding class 3 and class 4 licences

Class 2 Licence Training September 2023 comments:

“Just to thank you again for a really fantastic couple of weeks. It really enhanced my understanding of bat ecology and gave me a greater appreciation of the species, having only had years of more “ hands off” experiences with bats.”

“The length of the course was just right, although we did get lucky with the weather and ability to catch lots if bats”

John Lynch

“10/10 for achieving my objective specifically to feel more confident in handling and identification”

“The ID exam was appropriate. As others mentioned, I think we all passed due to the quality of the training rather than the ease if the assessment. It was good to have some f the extra details such as DNA analysis requirements and bat welfare etc”

John Harvey

“I think it was pitched at the right level for the stage we were all at - more detail may have been information overload, so I am happy with the amount of detail we had”.

“!0/10 for greatly improving my confidence in ID skills”

Charlotte Wood.

 Summary of the Class 1, 2, 3 & 4 courses

All modules (except class 4 on its own) will run 1400 Monday – 1200 Friday, class 4 taken on its own will run 1400 one day to midday the next day.

Class 1

Three modules (A, B & C) each form the content of class 1 course (equivalent to survey licence without handling outside of England). It is intended modules are ideally taken in sequence, but if students cannot attend any of them they could attend the missed one(s) later in the year or the following year and refresher sessions will be adjusted to what they have already taken.

Practical exercises and written exams will be taken after each module.

Class 2

One module (D) of bat handling, static hand net use, collecting by hand and advanced in hand bat identification, comprised mainly of fieldwork, this module will upgrade a class 1 licence (or equivalent) up to class 2 (or survey licence with handling outside of England).

The assessment will be of participant skill level in the field on the last two nights, plus a practical and written exam on Friday morning.

Class 3

One module (E) on the use of mist nets and acoustic lures which will mainly be practical, plus other equipment such as cone traps and tree harp traps will be covered.

The assessment will be of participant skill level in the field on the last two nights plus a practical and written exam on Friday morning.

Class 4

A one day (lunchtime – lunchtime) workshop module (F) if taken alone.

The assessment will be of participant skill level in the field on the one night plus a practical and written exam the next morning.

The class 4 can be combined together with the class 3 so this is module EF.

Students can skip taking one or more modules and just take the relevant assessments to get a reference if they have enough experience already.


Module F – specific Research training and standalone module assessments arranged by request.