Greena Ecological Consultancy was founded in 1997 by Geoff Billington, specialising in high quality data gathering and report writing for bat survey work.
Commercial & Domestic Developments
Road Schemes
Specialist Bat Surveys
Specialising in the surveying and research of bats, GreenaEco are qualified and experienced in a range of unusual survey techniques as well as standard survey methodologies
Consultancy Research
Barbastelle radio tracking research has been carried out extensively over many years by Geoff Billington and GreenaEco at a number of sites in the counties of Devon, Wales, Norfolk, and Somerset, for commercial impact studies and pure research studies. This has revealed new details of roosting choices, habitat ranges, and seasonal variations of this complex and often difficult to track species.
Research Trips
Bat Licence Training Courses
As Class 2, 3 and 4 and the specific research techniques courses are predominantly field based, but we can offer theory classes by video link. These will be booked through Geoff and conducted remotely via the internet. Please contact him for dates here